Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Christmas and New Years

It is crazy how fast December came and went...since it was a little hectic with the holidays  I did not have a chance to make any post. So I am combining Christmas and New Years together and a few weeks late. 2011 was a great year full of new experiences for the both of us. We got to meet each others grandmothers in Mexico along with other family in May. In September we were spontaneous, and took a adventure and drove up to Gold Beach, Oregon.  In November we took a cruise to places never in our dreams we would have imagined visiting. We are looking forward to seeing what 2012 will bring. Whether it is more traveling, new adventures, moving, or having Maximiliano Cuauhtemoc..lol..we will make the best of it :)

Happy New Years from me and Sam!!!

We spent our New Years with my family in Tracy. My mom made posole and a few aunts and uncles came over. It was a mellow new years for us, which we enjoyed very much :)


So I didn't get to take much pictures because it was kind of busy. Here are a few that I did take though. We spent Christmas with his Sam's family...Sam has three brothers and four sisters. Which six of the seven are married and with kids, so even family gatherings are big. On Christmas we played games and prizes were given to the winners. There is no pictures of the girls playing because my husband was so excited he was yelling and jumping up and down that he did not take any pictures. I did win one game, I was the fastest and neatest gift wrapper. So here are some pics from the boys playing...

Sam stuffing marshmallows in his mouth
This was the marshmallow game...they had 15 marshmallows and they had one minute to stuff as many as they could fit in their mouths. It was hilarious and disgusting all at the same time. When they were spitting them out I could not stop gaging..yuk!!

Sam, Oscar and Juan

Pablo eating some hot dogs
This was the hot dog game..each pan had twelve hot dogs and they had five minutes to eat as many hot dogs as they could. It was so funny they were soaking the hot dogs in soda or pouring soda on them to make them soggy..I take it back not funny...more like gross..lol

Eat those hot dogs..lol

Well that is all the pictures I took not many but shows a little of what my holidays were like :)

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